Thursday, April 15, 2010

latest update from Liz Willhite

I chatted with Matt a little this morning, and he said that Daniel has been staying at the hospital with Susan and Joshua. Susan's aunt is now staying with Caleb at home. Matt said that Joshua seemed to be doing well. The last time that he went to see him, he was laughing and playing.
I think that he is still not having treatments, but not really sure!! They are really waiting for Susan to hear from the Embassy to call and have her interview. This interview is very important, so we really need to pray that all goes well and she will be approved. If it isn't approved, then not sure what the next step will be. We are trusting that the Lord is going to work all of this out for His honor and glory.
Would also like for everyone to remember Caleb's birthday on April 29th!!! He will be 5 years old. You can email him birthday greetings I know that he will be excited to get those!!!
Also pray that we will soon get a Hospital/Doctor for Joshua once he arrives here in the states. We are working on that now, and just praying that the Lord will lead us to the right one!!!
Once again thanks so much for your continued prayers and support!!! It is so greatly appreciated by the family!!
The Fleming Clan

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